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    1、能够替代普遍运用着的电机一减速器型式的外驱动安装,用来构成胶带保送机,可保送煤炭、矿石、砂子、水泥、面粉等散装物料, 也能够保送麻包、设备等成件物品。
    2、 构造简单紧凑,占用空间面积小。
    3、 密封良好,适用于粉尘浓度大、湿润泥泞的工作场所。
    4、 运用维修便当,操作平安牢靠,寿命长。
    5、 能源耗费少,且容易完成集中控制。
    6、 可满足各种逆止、制动、包胶等需求。

    Electric drum is a kind of electric motor and the deceleration model driver installation device into the drum body interior. It is mainly used in fixed and mobile belt conveyor, instead of the traditional motor, deceleration parting type on the driving roller outside of the device driver installation.

    Electric roller as driving belt conveyor and improve equipment, widely used in mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, coal, building materials, electricity, food and transport department.

    1, to widespread use of alternative motor with a reducer type external driver installation, used to form a belt conveyor, may include coal, ore, sand, cement, flour and other bulk materials, can also recommend the sack, equipment and other goods.
    2, simple and compact structure, small occupied space area.
    3, good sealing, suitable for the dust concentration in the workplace, wet and muddy.
    4, the use of easy maintenance, operation is safe and reliable, long life.
    5, low energy consumption, and easy to complete the centralized control.
    6, can meet the various check, brake, plastic packages such as demand.
